About Me

I’m Kate, a twenty-something lately of Brooklyn, now in Santa Cruz, CA, and a Johnny-come-lately to both local food sustainability and blogging.

This blog is a visual exploration and mapping out of the issues surrounding local food, including the associated debates regarding economics, environmentalism, geography, sustainability and taste.  What does eating locally mean, and how can it be done?

I’ve worked at a restaurant, an organic CSA farm and a law firm, among other places, and I liked the farm best. Working with my hands to grow plants, watching them shoot up from seedlings and knowing that they would be food in just a few months really pulled together my food-snobbery and environmental tendencies into one delicious, local mindset. I’m trying to eat more locally, and explore what works for me. Welcome!

14 responses to “About Me

  1. Hey, this is a great blog. Thanks for all the global and local info!!!!

  2. great blog,
    will be posting your articles on my website
    -david ross

  3. Jen,
    I just came across your GREAT blog…thank you for bringing light to this subject that is so important to the survival of our human-ness!

    We’re launching a new site called thel0caldish.com in the next month and hope you’ll stop in once in a while to see what’s going on!

  4. Hi – thanks for the great blog!- the only thing missing is the Fife Diet:


    in solidarity
    Mike, Fife, Scotland

  5. Brittany Maughan

    Hey Kate! Nice to hear from you, I love NY, and I love nutrition, so I’d love to subscribe to your blog! How do I do that?! Thanks!

    • Hi Brittany –
      There is a little orange button with what looks like radio waves coming off of it – click on that, and it’ll take you to a subscription mechanism for the blog – it’s been on a bit of a haitus while I adjusted to grad school, but should be back up and running soon!

  6. Hi Kate, I am a sophomore in high school doing a documentary about Ray Kroc and McDonald’s and was wanting to use your article about McDonald’s. I was just wondering if you could email me back with your last name so I could site your work.
    Thanks much!

  7. Great blog. Food and maps are my two top interests. I am moving from Grand Rapids, MI (another local food hot spot) to Brooklyn next week to work for NYCCAH. My assignment with them is to start a CSA in Brooklyn. So, I’m glad you’ve collected a lot of helpful information relevant to this task. If you have any more input, it would be appreciated.

    Josh, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn

  8. Great blog. Thank you for your thoughtful reporting. I’ve placed a link on my blog.

  9. Great Blog. Great mixture of information and action. If you haven’t found them already, we have a lot of resources to help your cause at American Farmland Trust. Check it out: http://www.farmland.org.
    Best of luck to you,

  10. Kate, I am an undergraduate at Northern Michigan University, and I am designing a website on aquatic invasive species for my Limnology class. I really like the map of invasive species impacts (Figure 1) and the graph of impact types (Figure 2) found on your February entries page (https://foodmapper.wordpress.com/2008/02/) I’m wondering if you could give me permission to use those pictures on my own site. The original source would definitely be acknowledged on my site. Email me at kimeyer@nmu.edu. Thank you for your consideration.

  11. Excellent Blog!
    I am writing a thesis right now on urban agriculture and would love to site some of your work. Could you please send me your last name so I can accurately credit some of your research.

  12. Great site. Thank you. My architecture students are currently engaged in a foodshed mapping of NY State and the South Bronx . I was curious about the resource for the upper east side map or others like it. We are looking for other examples also and specifically the data that is translated into the map and why. If you could forward the sites to me I would sincerely appreciate it as I am having difficulty with thr download links. Thanks again.

  13. Hi Kate, I love your site! I am the coordinator of a food research and action group at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada and am gobbling up your amazing posts, resources and links! Thank you for this… I’m going to write a post on our blog as soon as I find a spare minute! Our website is in development right now but we’ll hopefully soon have some more pictures and info about our projects up. In the meantime, bon appetit!

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